I have a Atma Sphere UV-1 without the Moving Magnet pre-amp section......I need a schematic so I can complete this project.....I don't mind paying a fair price for this schematic.......Let me know    Will
Your sentiments are correct in a perfect world... Obviously Ralph is willing to help. It seems that if Will doesn't get the info exactly the drawn out for him that he won't be happy and will continue to Slam Ralph and Atma-sphere.  Ralph is being a gentleman about it and has offered 1 on 1 help, but he has a guy that doesn't understand enough to take the direction as given and make it work.  I can empathize because in this case, I would also need a schematic. He told Ralph that he has the technical ability to do the work,  but that doesn't mean that he has the technical ability to de-cypher what needs to be done from a slightly different schematic, which I posted a PDF link in an earlier post. 
autospec can you elaborate on what required fixing on your MP-1 that cost 2k?  I'm in the market for a used MP-1 and would like to know what might go wrong.
Thank you

Well, I suppose he will endeavor to make the change with info Atmasphere can provide, send it to Ralph to do, or sell and take a different path. His choice. He wants a phono and the pre-amp does not have one. I agree Ralph is doing what he can to address the issue and try to make a customer happy which is the most important thing.

Ironically, as I write this, I am similarly working with a customer to help him get a piece of software I provided to do some things he now wants that it was not originally designed to do out of the box. Irony!
+1 timlub & gdnrbob
1. The info you want is rarely openly available. Just because some of those units had an MM stage installed at the factory does not mean that the manufacturer has ANY obligation (legal, moral, ethical, etc.) to assist you in building and installing one in yours. In fact, most manufacturers would tell you to pound sand, after they reminded you that you would be voiding the warranty.
2. Ralph has given you (as far as a non-tech person like me can determine) pretty much everything you asked for and is offering his time (which has value, to be sure) to assist you further.

If your aim is to trash him, you've failed.  IMO, he comes off as bending over backward to be helpful and you come off looking like a cranky 2 year old who missed his nap! Just my $0.02.