Still looking for speakers in the 10-20,000 range

I’ve heard Proacs, Personas 3 and 5, Ryans, Wilsons, Wilson Benesch, Monitor Audios, B and Ws and several others in the 10-$20,000 range.  My favorite so far is the KEF Reference 3.  I would consider the Reference 5 but, as I’ve posted before, there is no place to hear them within 400 miles. Still plan to hear the Focal 2 and 3. Unless I love the Focals, I'm inclined to either go with the KEF Reference 3 or wait a couple of months (or more) to check out the new Magico A3.  My room is 24x18.  I have Audio Research electronics and 20 plus year old Proac Response 3.5 speakers.  It’s been a long process and I’m not sure if I’ll be relieved or disappointed when it ends.  Hard to decide if the Magico’s are worth waiting for.  Thoughts?
I need to go to the local shop again to hear the Focal's. I have a lot of friends who love them. I used to own a pair fo their Micron's back in the day, when they first started to sell their own speakers.  A close friend has the Sopra 2's in his office system and swears by them.  

Every time I've heard them at various places, I haven't 'gotten' them.  There comes a time when I feel it's not just a bad set up for me, but I'm thinking that has to be it.  I'm brutal on speakers and feel 'hifi'ish', but folks who's ears I know and trust seem to really like them.  

Btw, if you haven't had a chance to listen to the Vandersteen Treo CT, which is a bit less than the Kanta 2, it would be a good comparison.  I have a feeling that the reason I may not 'get' the Focal's is that I don't love the Beryllium tweeters on any of the speakers I"ve heard them on.  I've only heard a diamond driver sound good on the Tidal's too, so that's just me and my ears.  It's sure a nice looking and well built line of speakers.  I even took one of their models' home a few years ago as I was close to getting it, but in the end, it wasn't what I wanted.  I felt badly for the dealer as he had to lug them to and fro, lol. (with MS, I Cna't even help move empty boxes, lol. 

Glad you like them as that's the only thing that matters in audio as we all hear so differently.

if you can find a pair or swing a deal I would go for the following:

1. Vandersteen Model 5A Carbon

2. Magnepan 20.7


Everybody’s got a bias so go listen...really can’t tell till your ass is in the listening chair and your electronics are pushing them in YOUR room!  Now go get the Focal Kanta No. 2’s...they sound like butter:). 
I'm really enjoying this thread since i'm shopping at the low end of your price range. I have had many, many pair of Kef's and while I love what that uniq driver does well I find kef voices the bass a bit too conservative for my taste. Currently  high on my list are the Contour 60 new, salon 2 used VA 'The music', and still a sweet used pair of used R 207/2. Good luck. btw I also notice as we get higher in price with speakers partnering equipment becomes more important.
The Focal Kanta no2 and Paradigm Persona 3F are absolutely my picks at the $10,000 price point. 

The Kanta is one of the most forward thinking visual designs I have ever seen, and they have the sound quality to match.  They are extremely musical and laid back.  Very organic -- almost like a poor man's Gamut (EASILY in the top 5 best speakers in the world).  They smoke the outgoing Electras (although I do still think the 1028/1038 be2 in the dark walnut was one of the nicest speaker designs in history (see them in person before commenting).  After the unbelievable Aria range, I feel like this is the new direction Focal is going.  Drive them with anything, and be rewarded with a huge soundstage, tons of resolution and detail, yet never bright or forward, and unbelievably engaging and musical.

Now the Persona -- I have to say technically, it is an even better speaker for the money.  A totally different look but still stunning.  I still am in awe that Paradigm has made a speaker this good.  The 3F and 7F are both under priced.  With the right set up (mainly room positioning and acoustics, not speaker cables and power cables, aka throwing money down the drain) they will give you maybe the most holographic and coherent sound you will hear for anywhere near the price.  There is something intrinsically special about not only having a beryllium midrange and tweeter, but the fact that they are the exact same material.  I don't know if I have heard better midrange anywhere under 60k~ on any speaker when it all comes down to it.  These speakers are a little more difficult to get right.  If you have ever heard them sounding bright, clinical, etc -- you did NOT hear them. 

I can go on and on, but I highly recommend listening to these two speakers.  I'm eager to also hear the Magico A3, which I'm sure will be great -- although the look isn't even 1/3 as nice as the other two I just mentioned.  Either way, sound is most important.  Might get a chance to listen to the A3 very soon, so I will post impressions this week.