SS Integrated Amplifier that would sound good with the PSB Synchrony One B

  Sorry about my poor English.
  A couple of weeks ago I bought a brand new (old stock) PSB Synchrony One B speakers.
 Great sound with the Luxman L-590AX that I borrowed from my friend but of course I cannot afford one.
 So far I am using NAD C326 Int.Amp. Standard NAD house sound. Nice dynamics but confused highs.
 Any suggestions on the SS Integrated amplifier. The maximum budget is $4000.00. Listening room is 17'x12'x8'.    Very moderate listening levels. Such a posting already exists (by Djengan). The Rega Elicit-R would be one of the options but i heard from the people who are familiar with the Rega electronics, that particular model lately have issues with the humming transformers. Thank you in advance on your opinions.

We are a PSB dealer and we have an integrated amplifier that will sound very similar to the Luxman, a Plinius Hugtonga it is very smooth and powerful at 200 watts per channel and it sounds wonderful with the Sync.

New $5795 demo $3200
The Accuphase is also one of the options. I also had opportunity to listen E-370 and PSB Synchrony (towers) in Europe. Again, great sound
but the price.......The best I could do is E-270 but I doubt that is sound that good since it's their basic model. Or I am wrong? Problem is that I
cannot audition E-270 with my speakers. A couple of dealers offer 30 day's trial but they asking for 10% restocking fee if amplifier returned.
I am definitely not partial to the NAD, I just think that is NAD safest option
to start since nobody makes nothing that sounds "that good" in that price range.
Excellent suggestions as above- dames4

I will second the Rega Elicit-R. I will add Anthem 225 integrated or the newer STR integrated.
Happy Listening!