Technics 1200 GAE, 1200GR or 1200G?

How many of you have or have heard the Technics 1200 GAE, 1200GR or 1200G? I know the specs and the differences between the three tables, the 1200 GAE, being the limited edition, the 1200GR similar build quality and the 1200G, being of lesser quality, motor, plinth and platter, but I wanted to know if you have heard it at an event or have someone that you know that has or have had it. I have negotiated a deal at a shop for some other components and really thinking about closing the deal, the wife wants some of my older stuff out of the house. My Deal would be for the Technics 1200GR.

I currently have a VPI Classic 1, 30th Anniversary Edition. If one of you have both, I would really be interested between the differences, bass, treble and mids between the Technics and any VPI, including the Prime, but I would like to get your impressions. I have had an older Technics 1200 in the past and there is no comparison, the Classic is the better table. I’m thinking about a simpler set up and I’m thinking speed stability should be equal or close to equal.
@tzh21y I've been a huge proponent for Technics. But you're crazy talking there. Both SME Model 10 and Gyro SE are substantially superior turntables. 
I hate to say it but they are not.  I was going to buy the SME.  After hearing the Technics, I just could not justify the cost.  Technics killed it. 
Not crazy, heard them all.  Speed issue on michell, mind as well keep my VPI Scout, and the sme sounds mechanical to my ears.
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Here are some of the things I love about the GAE I own that swayed my decision. 

Built like a tank
Easiest VTA adjustment ever/—nearly on the fly.  No tools required. Great for dialing in the sound
No sensitivities to footfall
Simple and precise setup
Motor, power, stability

I will leave sound to the pro reviewers. 

The build quality is like buying a Toyota that will outlast seemingly fancier upscale models. The sound is as good as most anything I could audition. See Michael Fremer’s review.  

Im going to be honest. I’ve owned slicker looking turntables.  I did kind of miss the eye candy and the conversation piece quality of those tables. The Technics is a bit of a Trojan horse in that outsiders just see it as a run of the mill table from yesteryear. That it is certainly not!!