to bi-wire or not?

Looking for advice on whether to bi-wire my Joseph Audio RM22si speakers.  Am currently running Acoustic Zen Satori mono cables which I love.  My local dealer tells me moving to bi-wire cables (either Satori shotgun or Hologram II) will make a huge improvement.   I have always been under the general impression that unlike bi-amping, bi-wiring is not all that beneficial - but I may be way off base.

From my experience there is NO benefit to biwiring. My Snell Type AIII's have this as an option and I have heard NO difference either way! IMO it is just a clever marketing ploy to get the gullible to spend more money!
It is entirely speaker / system dependent.....full stop.

without taking a bi-wire loom for an A-B in-house bake-off, you will never know if a bi-wire is an improvement or a marketing o,scebo. Otherwise, all the blind responses herein are nothing more than anecdotal with no assurance that it will actually work in your system.

So ask your dealer for a weekend loaner for the cables and put it the litmus test,  with the understanding that if you do change, he gets the sale (don't stiff him by then buggering off to the used ads in AGON)
Also depends on the quality of your existing jumpers. If they aren’t up to the task, then you may hear benefits from bi-wiring but it will have more to do with the removal of the poor quality jumpers from the chain than the act of bi-wiring itself.