Where do I start-amp or speakers ?

While in the midst of downsizing I sold all my gear: Krell monos, Thiel CS6’s, Thiel 2.4’s, EAD Powermaster 2000, Thiel MCS1, etc.
I am now left with a headphone system based on the entry level Schitt headphone amp, Freya preamp,& a very nice Vinyl NIrvana Thorens 125 turntable,
So how’s that working out for you, you ask? Not so well. I need speakers & amp!
 I went from 2900 sq ft. To 1600 sq ft; a 25x24 room to an 18 x 16 room (high 20-24 ft cathedral ceiling, though, at least.)
I’m now on the way to build a new system , one component at a time; Ceiling is 4K per unit. Every time I see a nice amp, then I see a fine pair of speakers. Back and forth. Do I start with an amp or with speakers? Input, input........
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^A specious argument. Sources can't fix what is contaminated by the speakers. It matters not if the contamination is at the beginning, end, or in between.  Speakers are the most colored link in the chain, and furthermore, the link most compromised by what's around it.
My room is a typical 80’s “vaulted ceiling “ room. 10 feet at speakers’ wall, 20 ft vaulted to the rear ceiling wall, 18’ length of room. 16 wide. Wide doorway open to DR.
I think Maggies would be too tall, but maybe not. I’d like to try them, but then here we go again with the monster amp arms race. 
Great posting guys. Thanks much. 
My room is a typical 80’s “vaulted ceiling “ room. 10 feet at speakers’ wall, 20 ft vaulted to the rear ceiling wall, 18’ length of room. 16 wide. Wide doorway open to DR.
I think Maggies would be too tall, but maybe not. I’d like to try them, but then here we go again with the monster amp arms race. 
Great posting guys. Thanks much. Maybe I should just start with a nice rack...
I suggest that you think of what type of speaker you want and then you can narrow your choice of amplifier. You can do that the other way around as well; however, the amp can be placed anywhere but the speakers should have an optimal location. As to speaker, what is it that you want for the money, a balanced speaker in terms of dynamics, bass extension, wide or narrow listening area, tonal fullness...? When you decide on the type of sound you want, you can choose a speaker and mate it with the proper amp. As to electrostat and planar, I suggest a beefy solid state amp. As to dynamic speakers with high efficiency, a tube amp. For those dynamic speakers with low impedance and difficult to drive, again preferably solid state or some huge tube amps (too expensive for you). So, it’s your decision how you want the speaker to act first, then choose the amp.

You can alter the listening area with Hallographs and Synergistic Research Atmospheres/HFTs. They can widen the listening area and focus the sound but that’s more than you are willing to spend.

That’s why I suggested used high efficiency dynamic speakers with low coloration and easy to drive overall for tubes or solid state. You don’t have to buy new to get great sound.