Amps for Paradigm Persona 3f

Looking for experience of Audiogoners and dealers in good amp matches for Persona 3f.
System in a medium sized, oddly shaped room with very little bass node action. Jazz, pop, geezer rock listened to at moderate volume. If you have any specific experience with Parasound A-21, PrimaLuna Integrateds, (got a Prologue 2), Hegel 80, (also own)-I am especially curious. Realize that’s a few levels below the typical amp mating for this Paradigm model.
Any suggestions, and real world experience are welcome (higher price point suggestions are also good, even expected). Thanks
I took my LTA ZOTL40 MkII, source and cables in to a dealer to audition the Persona line (3F,5F,9H).  Sure the ZOTL only puts out 40watts but it extracts phenomenal detail and low end from the Persona's.  The entire staff at the dealer noticed and was stunned at the sound.  I was there twice for 3 hrs each time and when I left they tell me they sorely missed my amp when doing customer demos with Anthem/Bryston gear.  You can take my experience with a grain of salt, but IMO this amp is an endgame jewel.   
Thanks “Dmance” 
From your other posts, it kind of looks like you moved up to the 5f & 9h fairly quickly (specifically the 9h- I envy your re$orce$).
Did you get a fair idea of how the 3f performed with the LTA?
They are really at the top of my budget.
Do you have any experience with the GE Triton Reference/LTA combo?
Appreciate your thoughts on the LTA amp-last hour I’ve been reading up on them-always thought David Berning is one of the true innovators of audio.
As above,
I will second the Anthem 225. At its price-point, tough to beat (no pun).
Happy Listening!
Gnason & jafant- thanks for the Anthem 225 recommendation. It would free up a good portion of my budget for power conditioning and cable upgrades.
Returntomusic: PLEASE spend that money on a better amp. First off, the 225 is discontinued. The new Anthem STR integrated is what you should be looking at (around double the price) as it is leaps and bounds better than the 225.

Also, some of the 225s had an issue where the volume would continue to ramp up rapidly after just tapping “volume up” on the remote once. Nothing scarier than having the run across your room to grab the volume knob to keep it from ramping up past what the speakers can handle and into distortion only to realize that doesn’t work, the power button doesn’t work, and you actually have to UNPLUG the unit to get it to stop. This happened on many units. Not worth the risk.

Either way, spend the extra money on a better amp (or a sub or pair of subs) rather than cables. You obviously believe in cables, and I know many people on here (especially the retailers and disguised industry folk) will disagree. A basic understanding of the way the human brain psychology works will make you realize you don’t need to waste money on them.