Thiel CS3.6 and PrimaLuna

I have a pair of Thiel CS3.6 speakers and a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP Amplifier going thru a Mytek Brooklyn DAC/Pre.  The sound is really good, but I know the Thiel's can do much better.  I'm curious to see if folks would recommend going to a different amp (high current SS) or moving to a different set of speakers.  Either option is viable, just curious to see what folks think.
Yes, the 3.6 and tubes are not the best match.  The 3.6 like beefy solid state amplification.
I would suggest a Pass X250 or 350 you chose either a .5 or .8 based on budget. 

The Theil websites says they need 100-500wpc. Your Primaluna is 70-96 wpc depending on configuration.
So, you are really at the bottom of the spectrum. Adding in the 2 ohm minimum of the Theil's and you are taxing the amp. 
You could try a pair of Zero Autoformers to help with the low impedance, but a higher rated amp is probably the best way to go.
Those Theil's were one of the last of Jim's designs, so I would probably keep them. If you did want to change, I would recommend Vandersteen-both use time and phase alignment, and results in a similar sound reproduction.
For amps, you could get an old McCormack DNA-1 and have Steve upgrade it. (Buy a non working unit and save more. Steve guts the amp and installs a new board, so it doesn't need to be working). For Tube amps I would recommend Atma-Sphere.
Here is one review with Theil speakers;

Good suggestions and advice- dnanstad

keep us posted on your next move. Join us on the Thiel Owners thread. I would like to read more about your Audio journey.

Happy Listening!