Wyred4Sound DAC-2v2 upgrade

anyone here done this? I’ve seen a few reviews, any A-gon feedback? I have a DAC2 currently and a Remedy and use it for Sonos streaming.
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Hi Everyone.  Another satisfied customer here. 

Originally had the DAC2 - early adopter.  Then bought the DAC2 DSD SE - which was an enormous improvement (Initially without the femto clock, and later with (the femto clock didn't make any difference as far as I could tell)).  And now sent in the SE for the upgrade program - so it has been rebirthed as a DAC 2V2 SE.  The latest improvement is, again, striking.

No real down sides - just more detail, more clarity; better imaging, more air.  Please insert your favourite audiophile cliches here - they virtually all apply.

Interestingly, the V2 also highlighted the role of Wyred's Recovery USB reclocker.  With the older V1 SE, I had the recovery in the chain but, frankly, didn't notice much difference.  With the V2, there seems to be a subtle improvement in, dare I say it, timing - specifically the bass has better punch and definition.  Maybe the highs are slightly more transparent too - but I'm not totally sure.  Does everything feel a little "lighter"?  Possibly, but I think that is generally the case when there's an improvement in clarity. The Recovery is easy to slip in and out of the chain, so I've done a bit of back and forth.  Staying in for now.

In any case, a great upgrade - especially if you are in the USA and don't have to pay for international shipping and customs duties (I'm in Australia).

I don't have firm opinions regarding component break-in, but, FWIW, the upgraded SE does seem to have benefited from a few days playing.  This is the kind of upgrade that sees you playing much loved tracks just to relish the "new" experience.

Well done Wyred.


I have done the upgrade from DAC-2 to V2 (with Femto). Definitely worth the money and the time to take apart, put together my system. Much better definition especially in the bass. Overall much smoother (tube like) sound especially with orchestral music and solo violin. The sound of the solo piano in Mari Kodama recording of the Waldstein Sonata is sweet and delicate. Listening fatigue is also greatly improved.  Highly recommended.
Anzaanimalclinic I have not read the yaggy is thin and lifeless considering Robert Harley said , He ranks it top 3 regardless of price, Reichert. Steven Stone also reviewed yagdrassil they all agree it’s very very good Dac, they found it revealing not thin sounding..most of the post I read , the yagdrassil posses a LIVE presentation, Iam looking forward to hear it at Axpona 2018, I might buy one.