Can anyone recommend a great tube preamp that also has a headphone out?

Can anyone recommend a great tube preamp that also has a headphone out? One I tried that I really liked is the Zesto Leto 1.5, but it's really pricey. Looking to spend 3 grand, at most. Thanks!

I use the Linear Tube Audio MZ2 solely as my preamp today, the best I’ve ever owned.  It not only has a headphone output, it is a premier headphone amp.  Check the many reviews.  Most buy this for their headphones.  I’ll be dipping my toes into headphone usage soon. I do a lot of late night listening and headphones will be the answer for not disturbing the wife.

"Looking to spend 3 grand, at most. Thanks!"

LTA MZ2 - $2,160 with every upgrade option.

+1 for PS Audio BHK Signature. You can save quite a lot if you take full advantage of their trade-in offer.