What's up with Talon?

Has anyone here heard if Talon Audio is in trouble? Some
posts on audioasylum indicate possible problems.
Again, forget Talon for a second.

Just keep in mind that ONE negative posting can be VERY hurtful to a small company while ten or more positive postings may still not be enough to generate a sale.

Considering the huge volume of great speakers out there, we are actively looking for reasons to cross a speaker manufacturer off of our short list when in the market for a new pair of speakers.

If a posting even suggests something negative about a manufacturer, distributor or retail store I can 100% guarantee you that there will be at least one person whose purchasing decision will be changed by that posting.

All I am saying is to be careful about our negative postings and give adaquate time to remedy the situation before posting ANYTHING. If you feel the nejed to post something to "Warn" potential buyers, then wait until the entire scenario has resolved itself and then post the whole story, including the way the company, store, etc. handled the solution.

As we all know, the times that problems exist is usually the opportunity to let the manufacturer, dealer, etc. shine and truly show their support. Half a story is worthless and usually only hurtful.

9 days, business days or not, is plenty of time to answer a customer whose check you have CASHED (not deposited, Mattnshilp), especially when there are rumors already running around about the company. If anything, as a business owner, I'd be right on top of it more than usual under Talon's present circumstances. What exactly would they be so busy with right now that they can't email someone who is concerned about a paid order?

And was it, BTW, necessarily a complete coincidence that Nvlashi heard from them just after posting what he did?

No sympathy for Talon here.
"What exactly would they be so busy with right now that they can't email someone who is concerned about a paid order?"

They could be plowed under replying to impatient customers! Especially considering the precipitous urgency due to the "rumors" and their "present circumstances."
Thank you, Opalchip, for supporting my comments.

YOU, yourself, state that there are RUMORS floating around the web! None of them founded in reality or fact. Hurtful rumors that are totally untrue if you actually go to the source and ask.

I'd like to start a rumor that you actually hate jewish people (just an example, I AM Jewish so I figure it was a safe example). I can guarantee you that someone will believe it and the rumor mill begins. Then someone else will accuse you of being an antisemite when you make a comment about liking bagels or something.

The internet is dangerous. Rumors go unchecked and strengthened. In this case, Mike of Talon didn't even know this thread existed until I told him about it. So we are all sitting here discussing the stability of his company as if we are stock holders and NONE of us has a damned bit of an idea as to what is actually going on!!!!

And FYI Nvlashi, Nrenter and Opalchip.... Mike was on holiday with his kids for the past two weekss or so and the company was pretty much closed other then production during that time, as far as I understand. Again, not 100% confirmed, but that's what Mike implied in a brief E-mail I just got from him.

So I have an idea everyone. Let's get back to talking about how good Mike's speakers are and how hard he is trying to provide us all with the most amazing product he can within the confines of a limited budget (whatever budget it may be). AND let's stop making up stories and complaining about crap because we are immature, inpatient and trigger happy to judge and post hurtful remarks as soon as the opportunity arrises.

There are jobs at many throw away newspapers across the country for people like that. They usually have headlines like," Boy has sex with girl for lunch and then eats her for dinner!" or "Elvis lives in my refrigerator!"
If Mike was on vacation, then there is no excuse for ther not being a simple message on his phone line indicating such. That tech has been in place for many, many years. And an auto-reply for his email stating he is vacation until such date, and to either wait or a contact number to reach in an "emergency".
This isnt brain surgery, and is irresponsible for any company to not take these simple steps to protect itself in such a volatile industry.