Focal Kanta No.2

Focal introduced a new line today beginning with the Kanta No.2. It looks like they're positioning it between the W cone equipped 1000 series and the Sopra. It's got the shape of the older Utopia products before they went segmented. Any thoughts? Curious what people will think when they hear them. 

You misread my post which was simply and explicitly pointing out all the glaring inadequacies of my setup. I did not mean to attack you personally. Sorry you took offence - none was intended.
I’m sorry as well Audio Bro’s need to stick together!!  Good luck on your Quest for Audio Nirvana, Lord knows I need some as well :)
Wait...what?  There’s another Dave?  So...ah, that’s ok, I still wanna apologize for being a bit touchy Shadorne.  Best of luck