I drive my QUAD 57's with VTL's TT 25's. I am interested if anyone has had success using QUAD 57's with solid state amps ?
I agree with the above. The Bedini is a great match and I wanted to add a few that are a good match. Electro Compinette (don't remeber how to spell it) Old Acoustat TNT or VSP Labs TranMos amps and the king of all solid state amps Essence.
Hello, The best sound i've ever heard from a solid state amp on the Quad 57s was a Bryston 4B, this was before theST series. The room also had catheral ceilings, the sound was truly wonderful.
Since for some reason (???) my earlier attempt to post to this thread didn't make it, I'll try again.

Like Cleopatra52, I used a Bedini 25/25 happily with my Quad ESLs, both of which are in my bedroom system. Among solid state amps I don't know if you can do any better. With tubes you have several choices, including OTLs from Futterman and Atma-Sphere which work fabulously.

Hello again. Brian, Great taste in sound!!! I totally agree, again. You are right on with Futtermans, I forgot about them plus they are imposible to find and retube. LOL Did you get your during the Bikini buster sale? (inside joke. Last add Harvey ran before he shut down) I would also add Ayre.
Your VTL's are truly outstanding. In general - I am not a tube fan because I don't like the "tube sound" and I definitely don't like a different sounding amplifier every time I change tubes.

If I'm ever in the mood for the "tube sound" I can always listen to my DCC records.

I might get flamed for that.

My current preamp is tubes (Audible Illusions M3A) but it will be replaced soon since I now have 57's again.

Back to your question.
Like was said before - The Bedini 25 25 with 57's is outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also - last time I had 57's I used them with a Bryston 2B.
I think the 2B is the best sounding Bryston and it is enough to drive the 57's.

If you can find an old STAX Power Amp - those really work magic with the 57's.

I currently use a Levinson #23. It was a great match for the 63's, and I currently use them with my 57's - that I only got one week ago.
It's certainly great - but I also just got a used Bryston 2B that I am modifying as we speak.
I change some capacitors and replace the protection circuitry with my own design.

I will soon find out if the modified 2B will sound better than the levinson.

My vote is for solid state - but I KNOW you are not suffering with your VTL's
