I drive my QUAD 57's with VTL's TT 25's. I am interested if anyone has had success using QUAD 57's with solid state amps ?
Your VTL's are truly outstanding. In general - I am not a tube fan because I don't like the "tube sound" and I definitely don't like a different sounding amplifier every time I change tubes.

If I'm ever in the mood for the "tube sound" I can always listen to my DCC records.

I might get flamed for that.

My current preamp is tubes (Audible Illusions M3A) but it will be replaced soon since I now have 57's again.

Back to your question.
Like was said before - The Bedini 25 25 with 57's is outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also - last time I had 57's I used them with a Bryston 2B.
I think the 2B is the best sounding Bryston and it is enough to drive the 57's.

If you can find an old STAX Power Amp - those really work magic with the 57's.

I currently use a Levinson #23. It was a great match for the 63's, and I currently use them with my 57's - that I only got one week ago.
It's certainly great - but I also just got a used Bryston 2B that I am modifying as we speak.
I change some capacitors and replace the protection circuitry with my own design.

I will soon find out if the modified 2B will sound better than the levinson.

My vote is for solid state - but I KNOW you are not suffering with your VTL's

Steve, Isn't changing caps to change performance the same as changing tubes? Oh waite, it's harder. LOL just in fun.
try them with the battery Final Lab Music amplifiers and let me know, what do you think....I think it is the best!!! I just listened to it recently and I almost bought a pair of 57's...again...I used to own about five pairs allready in my audio life! Seriously, if I ever go back to them, this will be MY amp. Silky highs and BASS.
Hello. nice thread. I use homemade SET monoblocks with my 57's, and have used Leak stereo 20, Leak TL12+ monoblocks, and Quad 306. The 306 got surprisingly close to the valve sound, with more overall control, but lacked tonality and musicality. In the end I was more @ther@ with the tube amps. Am just about to try 70's high end sony pre and power SS amps with the 557's, maybe today, and will report. Nice to hear so many 57 users. I rave about these speakers, and have One Thing Audio modded ones with new treble panels, and it really is an improvement over stock.
i use an all original eico st40 on stacked quads 3 pair iv tryed many combinations of amps includeing 3 fisher ba-6000 studio series amps that sounded pretty good but the high's seemed to be under a vail at one point I had 6 magnavox 6v6push pull parallel mono's that sounded like hell since all of them needed to be serviced HAHA. the phase linear model 300 worked very well with them, also had 3 nikko alpha 440's all kinds of junk I guess but I always go back to the eico something about 7591's and quads