I drive my QUAD 57's with VTL's TT 25's. I am interested if anyone has had success using QUAD 57's with solid state amps ?
Hello. nice thread. I use homemade SET monoblocks with my 57's, and have used Leak stereo 20, Leak TL12+ monoblocks, and Quad 306. The 306 got surprisingly close to the valve sound, with more overall control, but lacked tonality and musicality. In the end I was more @ther@ with the tube amps. Am just about to try 70's high end sony pre and power SS amps with the 557's, maybe today, and will report. Nice to hear so many 57 users. I rave about these speakers, and have One Thing Audio modded ones with new treble panels, and it really is an improvement over stock.
i use an all original eico st40 on stacked quads 3 pair iv tryed many combinations of amps includeing 3 fisher ba-6000 studio series amps that sounded pretty good but the high's seemed to be under a vail at one point I had 6 magnavox 6v6push pull parallel mono's that sounded like hell since all of them needed to be serviced HAHA. the phase linear model 300 worked very well with them, also had 3 nikko alpha 440's all kinds of junk I guess but I always go back to the eico something about 7591's and quads
Yeah I know it's been YEARS since this was posted but I figure someone might come across this post while researching the topic, so here's my reply:

I am using a Forte 4a, with the "Soderburg" mods, on my ESL-57's. (Wayne Picquet treble panels and zener protection board)

The ESL-57's sound GREAT on this amp. I've used a bunch of modern and classic tube amps, as well as other class-A solid state amps and the Forte 4a is my FAVORITE. Enough power to "wake up" the Quads, great control at low frequencies, 'liquid' mids and very smooth treble- a great amp for the ESL-57's.