Comparing Bel Canto and Schiit DACs

I've just picked up a brand new Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby). The company only gives you 15 days for in-home trial before you lose the opportunity to return it. As it's not quite broken in yet, does anybody know how it may compare to for instance a similarly priced used Bel Canto DAC 2.7 once broken in?

I'm sure the Gumby is competent, but I have a hard time believing that it is 90% of the Yggy. Very hard. 

Not to harp on this point, but for anyone interested, Bel Canto historically produced (very good) tube products, built around the human voice. They stopped building tube products, and now they create units with Class D. No, its not all tube-sounding, and I would not want it to be. But "musical", natural, fast, and "involving" would be proper descriptors. 

1graber2 , me too , maybe 90% too high, there is also a comparison , by audiofriends it was a blind testing, they choose the Gumby 2x thinking it was yagdrassil....
FWIW and just my .02 regarding Gumby vs Yggy prior to my purchasing the Yggy I asked Schiit what the difference is. They replied that only the power supply was the differentiator . However, if you check the specs on their website the two use different DAC chips, with different bit depth capability.