1080P tv or Projector ???

I have a choice to make. Do I buy a Mitsubishi Diamond 73" TV with 1080P, or do I get a Yamaha DPX 1300 projector with a 100" screen. For reasons I won't go into now, I will pay almost equal price for either one. The Yamaha is 720P, not 1080P. My friend has assures me I will be much happier with the Yamaha. I will have Satelite, and Cable, both with High Def.
A very good Dvd player and also a Blue Ray player. I have a DVDO+ processor also. What will I want to watch all these sources on? Any informed responses will be greatly appreciated.
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Get a projector! What Mitch says is TRUE!
If you've got good light control, I recommend this one though over the Yamaha which is a 720p unit (I think) This one is 1080P:


Good Luck!
Once you use a projector there is no going back especially if you can control the ambient light in your room and you have a good source.
We use the plasmas in our house for regular TV viewing but movies are in our movie room where the projector resides.

PS get a Blue ray or HD DVD or better yet get both you will love the improvement over SD DVD.

Good luck,

projectors are nice
but they don't deliver black levels and colors like a plasma

definitely hold out for reasonable 1080p

pioneer (new models coming in fall) or panasonic (new 58" at under $5k!)