Old or new gear


I am trying to buy my first tube amplifier. Budget is about $2500-3500. I am not very good at doing electrical work myself and do not intend to restore/repair/update the equipment myself. No time for another hobby. 

Looking to get something very reliable to use for years to come. I tend to keep my equipment for a long time, and do not upgrade things frequently. Trouble free listening is the goal. US made (or Japan or western Europe) would be really nice. Looked at Chinese models, but decided not to go that route, although there are many very good quality brands with great reviews. The top of the line Chinese units are not much cheaper than US made ones, through.

For that money, I am looking for something like quicksilver mid monos or decware MK4, brand new, both made in US, with good reviews as far as build quality and reliability goes.
Alternatively, there are amps here on Agon, such as CJ, Cary, VPI 299d, VTL de luxe 300,  VAC rebaissance 30/30 MK3, all used, about 10-15 years old, some in mint conditions with low hours, under or around 3K.

I am looking more for good sound and reliability than a specific amp type (pp vs SE) or output tube design.

Any advice? Again, not looking to resell but this is always a consideration as well (never know what the future holds). Main concern is quality and long term reliability.
Are there better transformers, caps, resistors etc... now than 10-15 years ago? Again, not looking to upgrade anything myself and do not have the time to spend in repair shops.

Thanks for your advice.

I’m surprised no one has recommended a good used McCormack DNA-1 (ideally a Deluxe or a Steve McCormack rebuild); I got one this year for $1K, paired it with my Polk LSIM 707s, and I love it.

Two important points:  1) Polks love power; just because you listen at low to moderate volume, don’t assume that an amplifier with less than 150 W per channel will do. 2) the LSI-15 is a 4 ohm speaker, and at certain frequencies may drop close to 2 ohms. Be sure that whatever amp you decide on can handle low impedance loads. Good luck, and happy listening!
I thought the op wanted gear made in USA, Western Europe or Japan? Quicksilver is fine gear but....isn’t it constructed in China and QC’d in USA? 
You can get a fully wired and tested VTA 120 tube amp (60 WPC) from Bob Latino for $1600 (includes tubes) plus shipping. From their kits I've updated my old ST-70 and also built a pair of M125 mono blocks, I've been running them for over 3 years without any issues.
