Best undiscovered speakers on the market today ?

Have you ever noticed the same brands of equipment and speaker manufacturers being debated over and over again in most threads ? I am curious what are some of the most little know speakers deserving mention you have heard ? With the lone caveat that they must still be currently in production.

I am curious to hear from some of the more research oriented audiophiles like myself. Those who don't just buy it because someone else liked it but listen for them selves.

Remember this hobbie is allot like choosing a mate there are no wrong choices as long as it works for you and suits your personal taste !
Venture speakers ( CR8 Signature). They absolutely blew away my Focal Alto Be and new B&QW 802 Diamonds away in every manner.
A second two thumbs up for Venture speakers....incredible sound and build quality, great cabinets... Almost no advertising presence, no re net reviews....but fantastic word of mouth...too bad they are so freaking expensive, much better than Magico's
Bo Bengtson's "Transmission Audio M1i"
The successor of the "Red Rose R3".
It can change the way of listening & evaluating speakers once & forever.