Best amp/ IC's to go with my Thiel 2.4SB's

Hello All,
It has been many years since I have joined in on the forums, sadly it was because I sold off all of my Ayre components, but fortunately I kept my Thiel speakers. 
As for the amp question I pretty much know the answer before asking, the Ayre V-5Xe. That is the amp I previously owned. But just like before I am at the crossroads of do I go with an Integrated or a stand-alone two-channel. Before I started with the BAT VK-300x SE, Ayre A7-Xe, and finally the Krell KAV-400xi. The Krell out of the three Integrated s performed the best as I was completely surprised at it's power output and ability to drive the Thiels. Then when finances allowed I purchased the V-5xe and the Ayre K-5Xe pre-amp. I have a shot at another V-5Xe, except this one is Black (originally a $250 up-charge) for $2,750 from the original owner.
My second question is at the time I went with AudioQuest Cheetah XLR IC's they were second from the top at the time. I always like the neutrality of AQ's when it came to their sonic footprint. But after working for 5 years for a local company, which will remain unnamed. I found out what many people don't know and that is that all of AQ's cables are marked-up aprrox. 300% from what an employee would pay. Now to me I just won't pay that kind of money I would rather buy something used at half the price. With that being said since I was last in this game I see the Siltech cables which from what I read are high quality and very neutral. Can anyone give me a fair comparison between AQ and Siltech .
Finally, I am trying to decide if I should go with an Integrated first. The only reason I am even considering this is because I have found a very clean Ayre K-5e pre-amp but to be up to date it would be $1,200 to send it back to Ayre to have it brought up to the present K-5 xeMP pre-amp that sells new for $5k. I am looking a a 5 month old Music Fidelity M5si, they are asking $1,500 but is accepting offers, I figure $1,250. It being rated at 150 W @ 8 Ohms and only puts out 265 W per channel @ 4 Ohms.
Sorry for the long thread but I greatly appreciate your input.

Thanks! for the update - f1wheels

keep me posted as you install, re-cap your speakers. I look forward in reading more about this project.

Happy Listening!

Just a quick update, I got my Thiel caps from Rob @ coherent source along with the box to send him my grill covers. They aren't in bad shape but after 12 years it is time for some new ones. I ended up buying the Ayre K-5xeMP pre-amp and a guy I used to work with is getting me a great deal on some brand new AQ Earth's. A 1 M pair and a 1 1/2 pair XLR for $1,000 brand new. I am going to wait to do the cap upgrade on the speakers so I can listen to them first the way they have always been. Then I will switch out the caps. Even Rob suggested doing it this way as he said I would really notice the improvement in sound. I will keep you updated.

Thanks! for the update - f1wheels

Keep us posted on your project of switching the caps.

Happy Listening!