To Roon or not to Roon

I'm about 9 days into my 14 day free trial of Roon (with Tidal) on my iMac. It`s really cool
I`m thinking about buying a network streamer, either Bluesound Node 2 or an Aries Mini.
Both of which come with their own App, which I've heard is pretty good. My question is
whether Roon is going to "do anything special" for me. Any thoughts?

Thank you, 
I have an Aries Mini and like the Auralic Lightning DS app very much. I've been curious about Roon but the combination of cost, Lightning is free, and need for extra computing power has kept me from trying it.
Roon is a outstanding database and library for your local files and or tidal if you use that.Also Roon intergrates with HQ player which is the best music player I’ve heard yet.
The Roon folks implie that they will make some substantial upgrades this year,time will tell.
