Vandersteen 2Ce Signature vs 3A

Can anyone tell me what the major difference is between the 2Ce Signatures and 3A in terms of sound? How about the 3A vs the 3A signature? Are these upgrades significant or not worth the money?
I agree that almost any room size will work with the 2s. The 3s will benefit from a larger room, but I have heard them work successfully in a few smaller rooms also. It is important to remember that with Vandersteen's 1st-order floor-standing speakers (Models 1, 2, 3, Quatro and 5) you need to sit at least 7 feet away from the speaker in order to achieve proper blending of the drivers regardless of the overall room size.

The more important difference between the two models is that the 3 is more demanding and sensitive to the electronics you choose, especially the power amplifier. Where a good 50-60 watt amplifier can work well with the 2s, the 3s prefer larger higher-quality amplifiers typically in the 100 watt/ch range or higher. The 3's will also be more revealing of the quality of the electronics in front of them.

Both models can also achieve even better sound quality (more like Quatros and Model 5s) and become much easier to drive when partnered with Vandersteen's "audiophile" 300 watt active subwoofer known as the 2Wq.

Good luck.
I actually have the 2Ce Sigs right now. They are being pushed by an Ayre V-5Xe. I was thinking about upgrading to the 3A Sigs. However, I am starting to reconsider. My room is about 10X16.
I measured. The room is 12'X 17'. Is this big enough to accomodate the 3A sigs on the long wall?
"I measured. The room is 12'X 17'. Is this big enough to accomodate the 3A sigs on the long wall"
I didn't use Vandersteen's method of speaker placement for your room. But, simply using the "rule of thirds", which is good for quick calulations, would lead me to beleive that your room is to small for the 3A's. That probably could be overcome by having some type of diffuser behind the listening position and the seating right up against it. But, I don't think that you would be getting the best from the speakers. If you use the Vandersteen method for setup, you need to find a speaker/seating position that is at least 8 feet from the speakers. That would put them very close to the front wall, which also could be overcome with some treatments along the front wall and may need bass traps in the corners.
If it were me, I'd maximize the room for the 2ce sigs that you already own rather than change for the 3A's. I've owned both plus the 5A'a and I think that in the proper setting the 2ce sigs are so close to the 3A's that improving the room and proper positioning will gain you more than switching speakers.