Still looking for speakers in the 10-20,000 range

I’ve heard Proacs, Personas 3 and 5, Ryans, Wilsons, Wilson Benesch, Monitor Audios, B and Ws and several others in the 10-$20,000 range.  My favorite so far is the KEF Reference 3.  I would consider the Reference 5 but, as I’ve posted before, there is no place to hear them within 400 miles. Still plan to hear the Focal 2 and 3. Unless I love the Focals, I'm inclined to either go with the KEF Reference 3 or wait a couple of months (or more) to check out the new Magico A3.  My room is 24x18.  I have Audio Research electronics and 20 plus year old Proac Response 3.5 speakers.  It’s been a long process and I’m not sure if I’ll be relieved or disappointed when it ends.  Hard to decide if the Magico’s are worth waiting for.  Thoughts?
Ozzy, I totally agree with you.  I personally don't get the voicing myself.  
Have you listened to the Paradigm Persona 5F a very clear and crisp sounding speaker that is good if you like to hear all of the nuances of your music.
I agree with alucard19's suggestion.

I auditioned the Kanta and the Paradigm Persona speakers and the Persona has the same type of clarity in the mids and highs as the Focal (maybe better), but is more neutral top to bottom, with excellent, integrated, well controlled bass.
Classic Audio Lousspeakers with the field coil option. Unbelievable sound. My search is over.