New Acoustic Zen Adagio loudspeakers

Any opinions/comments on the new AZ Adagio loudspeakers? Are they compatible with tube amplifiers?
yes....looking forward to that and I'll post my impressions later on this weekend.
Allright......I checked it out today. Phil and I both suspected that the speakers are not fully broken in yet. It's been only 2 days that the speakers are playing and no way they are 100% yet. But, the good part is, I was very impressed with the performance of these speakers especially considering the price. Very nice imaging and staging. We ran them with Empirical modded Sony S7700 to Dodson 218 into Blue Circle new integrated(don't remember the model but I think it's their new hybrid). Very good sound. Deep bass, detailed overall, but definately needing some more playing time. I'll be back there in a week or so to check these speakers out again after further break in, but initial impressions are very good. Phil says he will experiment with placement a little more to determine optimal position, but they way they played today, pretty impressive for $3700
FWIW, when Audphile1 came over, I had less than 15 hours on the speakers, but the difference from right out of the box til tonight was already apparent. Right out of the box, the bass was virtually non-existant, but as Audphile1 notes, tonight the bass performance is pretty extended. There's definitely room for the rough edges in the bass and high frequencies to smooth out. Also, I was very surprised at how big a soundstage these speaker throw.

I still have a lot to learn about these speakers in terms of placement and how they interact with my room...tonight, we changed the toe-in by 5-6 degrees, and we noted a significant improvement in soundstage depth and even some tonal balance. I'll play with that more after I get 75-100 hours on them. As noted by Audphile1, at $3700, they are quite good even now...if they smooth out the way I anticipate they will, I will regard them as a pretty serious bargain at their price...
Btw - since posting yesterday, I've probably put another 10 hours on them, and they have already smoothed out significantly since Audphile1 came to listen. At this time, I'm quite happy with the bass response; the high frequencies still need some smoothing, but they are much more listenable now than they were yesterday. Am driving them with a 95wpc hybrid integrated (Blue Circle FtTH) and am quite pleased with the overall sound...