why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
I just wanted to throw in here that I added a 4th preamp to my main system, just to have SOMETHING with some tone controls.
The recently added preamp I paid $20 at a Goodwill like 8 years ago.
Onkyo Integra P308. The reason this is pertinent is the cables I used to connect it include a $1,100 Kimber KS1016. and a much cheaper $360 Cardas Parsec. So I paid SEVENTY THREE TIMES the value of the electronics on the cables. LOL.

The reason I need some tone controls is my new Magnepan 20.7 speakers on a few modern Rock albums the bass is way to much for apartment living. So I have the Onkyo set up to be introduced at the flip if the tape switch on my main preamp.. And have the bass contour set to -10 dB. Works perfect!
The end result is the bass with the switch on cuts the bass down to about what my previous speakers had, (3.6 Magnepan.) And thus no eviction for me.
I bought my reference MIT cables based on home audition in my system. I just didn’t want to be without them as the detail, nuance and dynamics were all incredibly improved for my Spectral gear. It was a no brainer. Costly but a very enjoyable improvement in everyday living. 
Before you spend crazy money on cables this is what you do first:

Open up your speakers and check the wires that connect the binding posts or the crossovers to the speakers inside. 95% of the time it's cheap no name, no brand, nothing special, basic copper wires inside the enclosure before it reaches the woofer or tweeter.

“Proper copper” is all you need to pass the signal along...with all the noise present and intact.  Transparent cable will remove it and lower the noise floor dramatically.  Everything else is just cable!