Have you ever hated the sound of your system one day, and loved it the next?

Last night I went to bed thinking my system was going down the tubes. This morning I loved it.
 Last night it sounded painfully bright and unbalanced.  This morning, on the same CDs, it sounded full and rich.
Now, I ask you, is it the system or me???
  I understand changes in electrical currents from the wall can play a part, but I have an expensive power conditioner.
 I was just wondering if this is a typical bugaboo among audiophiles.
I actually don’t think gdhal was perpetrating a fraud or hoax. He really believes he’s the knight in shining armor come to slay the dragon. Bad dragon! Bad!

Thank you, Geoff. I consider this yet another offering on your part of the proverbial carrot, and I’ll accept it.

But I shall not extend my offer of free music download to you, as I have done with rvpiano. :)


And I’d like to chime out of this thread if I may by stating - on topic - that to my ears the sound of my system does not vary. I "love it unconditionally". I find it difficult to "hate".
So, please don’t tell me I’m the only one whose system sounds especially sweet today and yesterday? 🙄
Geoffkait: We are a member of the silent majority. If my system sounds sub-par, I go away for a couple of days. It seems to fix itself!
Last evening the world outside my home was silent with 12” of freshly fallen heavy snow. It was so quiet 🤫 I could hear my breath freezing.
The evening was audio magic so I stayed up until 3:00AM listening to recordings that never sounded so good. Watching the snow falling outside definitely added to the audio magic. Was the power quality that much better or maybe just the quiet vibes?  Who cares?
Never waste an opportunity to enjoy good music when the conditions are that perfect.