Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
Greetings, please do post a pic soon. Maybe this is a change that is easy to diy...

Ok, you guys have me officially excited about the INTegrated and I'm ready to pull the trigger. I have the Gallo CL-3 speakers currently but will be looking to upgrade those soon after. I know this maybe backwards thinking, but what speakers would you be looking at if you were in my position that would pair well with the INTegrated? 

Anyone else coming from tubes or hybrid to the INTegrated? Do you miss tubes? I've gotten a bit fed up with them in my hybrid as all the NOS and new pairs I've bought except one has gotten noisy fairly quickly, so I find myself contemplating all SS for the first time in years. I wonder how the INT would compare to something like a Primaluna Dialogue Integrated, which I auditioned with my speakers not long ago.
Lmk when you are ready to sell the Classico CL-3’s. I am wanting a pair to replace my cl 2’s