Reclocker. Anyone use a reclocker in your digital setup?

My Behringer DEQ 2496 just went belly up.
I was only using it as a reclocker and turning a Toslink to an AES/EBU wire.

I liked what it did to the signal. seemed to make it smoother.
I see a few cheaper ones. $400, $600 then a big jump to the multi grand sort.
Those cheaper ones do not go to an AES/EBU though.
I could even buy another Behringer DEQ2496 for $300.

So anyone else use a reclocker?

Hi Elizabeth,

I had good success with the Wyred4Sound's unit (Remedy?) ... but..
it worked better with older DAC's and lower resolution sources.

With my Mytek it really did nothing for me. The thing about that particular unit was that it reclocks EVERYTHING to 24/96kHz.

So today, I think you are probably better off with a newer (< 5 years) DAC than buying another reclocker.


I have been thinking about a Schitt Ygg.. but I just spent a big bundle on speakers. Maybe in a few months.
Yep, the Schiitts are also some of the more modern DAC's that really sound good regardless of the source. I'd save the money you were going to spend on the reclocker then. I went your route, and still ended up upgrading my DAC. :)