In need of some Amplifier advice. Is therereally any point in it with my current setup?

Hello. I have posted in the past, but have since learned a little bit more from reading audio forums, and doing some research and have come to somewhat of a juncture. 

I figure I could "stair step" up on my own and enjoy the ride, or, ask those who have most likely been where i am before and skip a few steps =). 

My current setup consists of a Yamaha adventage-A3070 AV receiver (150wattsx8ohms 2chd), and 2 Polk LSIM707 towers. 

I've been looking at used Classe amps here on audiogon, or possibly a new parasound Halo A21 power aplifier,  and have thought about purchasing them. 

My question is, would my Yamaha advantage 3070 even be a sufficient pre-amp? It has pre-outs for all channels, and it also has an ess sabre DAC for my digital flac files. Or would using the Yamaha as a pre completely destroy the sound of the power amplifier? Essentially wasting $1,000-$3,000. 

My other question is pretty obvious. Should I trade up, just spend the $1,000-$3,000 on better set of speakers I've been eye balling like  the EMT-LFT8s, and stick with the Yamaha receiver's power for now. 

If it were you. What would you do? 

@audiothesis I got your PM and we will talk soon. 

And normally no, that definitely wouldn't be at the helm of a system but at that package price, it was a no brainer for the time being! 
and @gdnrbob I agree. I do need to take some time and make a road trip to Dallas one weekend to audition tons, and tons, and tons, of different speakers that simply aren't available in my area to hear. 
@OP.You will be on the road to enlightenment.
And, don't let any dealer pressure you. You are on a quest to find a speaker that sings to you. Don't worry about related equipment until you find what you like.
When you do find something, let us know. 
We have all been through this and know how daunting it can be, but once you get your priorities, it all smooths out.
I have normally asked of anyone looking to upgrade their system, what is it that's lacking ?, what do you want more of ?, what do you not like about the system ?, before I make any recommendations. Have room acoustics been dealt with ? Have you upgraded cables ?. Is your source ( digital flac files ) good enough. You say piano and guitar is weak in the midrange. Have you tried an audiophile recording ( such as a Sheffield Lab, Reference Recording, Chesky, or GRP ( which is just a few of many excellently recorded labels ) ? Or listened to any Diana Krall, or Patricia Barber, etc. These are the types of recordings that will tax your system to do it's thing, to bring out the best, and show the worst. Guitar and piano, in many instances, are not miked properly in the mix, but female vocal is generally better to judge ( ime ). I am very source oriented, as you might tell. Just trying to help, as is everyone else. Enjoy !

The ET (Eminent Technology) LFT-8b does indeed far exceed the sound quality of any Polk I've ever heard (they're all over SoCal). It's good enough to lead VPI's Harry Weisfeld to proclaim the speaker to have the best midrange of any speaker he has ever heard.

A post above stated as fact that the ET needs a lot of power, which is an overstatement. It's sensitivity spec may lead one to form that presumption, but in practice is not particularly true. The LFT-8b does not require the power the other magnetic-planar speaker, the Magneplanar, does, for instance. I have both ET's and Maggies, and they are as different as they are similar. The LFT-8b is an easy 8 ohm load, your 15ow/ch amp will be fine until you can do better. The ET can even be run with a modestly-powered tube amp, as I do (100w/ch), which is not true of Maggies.