Gotta love Nelson Pass

SA/4e is nice!!!!

He is an impressive guy. I love the fact that he routinely shows up at forums and discusses projects and donates designs to DIY'ers.

I am always amused at the wanna be engineers that try to redesign his products with after market products like PC, fuses, and other nonsense. If Pass Labs thought that these “mods” improved the sound of their audio they could incorporate them at a fraction of the “retail” price. But they don’t. I suppose he has to leave something to the bottom feeders.
I’m new to Nelson Pass stuff, being a tube guy i decided to try something different for my Zu Audio Druid speakers. I bought First Watt F2J current source power amp this month (only 100 made), then i quickly ordered the original First Watt B1 buffer preamp by Nelson’s advice. Pass Labs Aleph L and Aleph P were competitive, but for a much higher price, so i’m happy i ended up with First Watt B1. I bought everything used, but Nelson Pass was very helpful by email. So i joined the "club", hello
I would suggest a bit caution when using Nelson Pass's gear. Many of his products have very different appropriate applications.
Many of his products have very different appropriate applications.
Hello, @unsound  - will you please elaborate on that? 

Everything explained on , even about discontinued models. For example my F2J current source power amp is designed for crossover-less, high sensitive speakers (full range drivers) and not suitable for the speakers with crossover. For traditional speakers he has different amps.