Power amp/integrated amp suggestions for SUPER POWER HUNGRY/INEFFICIENT SPEAKERS

These are the speakers
As you can read: suggested power rating of 100-300w, 87dB sensitivity. I’m gonna need a brute of an amp to drive these things.

I have this headphone amp, which can be used as a preamp for powered desktop speakers, but don’t know if it could be used as a preamp for a power amp.

Any and all thoughts appreciated.

Edit: looks like the Lyr 2 can be used as a preamp. So that leaves me with the decision of the power amp.
Somethings in Audio are built to a price point . Some are built to what the sucker will pay .
Soix, I live in the boonies and never heard a McCormack.  But in years of reading A'gon I have never heard anything but praise for them, not one negative thing..
I think you did well with the McCormack DNA 0.5. Check out Brown Audio Labs for a tube preamp. Also Quicksilver. I believe both offer new models at $1000. Other might appear used under that figure.
Good luck!
Any thoughts on Saga, Schiit’s passive/active preamp? It seems like a good cheap option for something that’s pretty transparent. I'm already creeping toward the high end of my budget, for the speakers, amp, and preamp, so if getting this will give me most of what $1000 would give me, I see no point in spending more.