Need tube preamp recommendations please

Hi all

Looking for tube preamp under 2K, no phono but MUST have a remote.

Current system:
PS Audio Perfectwave Transport
Schitt Yaggdrasil DAC
Quicksilver 300B amp
Frankenhorns ( picture top half a Khorn sitting on a bass cabinet)
Full loom of Triode Wire Labs
Bluesound Node 2 streaming Tidal
Placette Passive Preamp. I wanted the truth!? Well, maybe I cant handle the truth.

I'm listening to alot more Tidal these days. Although the sound is quite good, I feel its a bit "raw" hence the need to add a tube preamp to the chain.

I looked into both the Schitt Saga and Freya and owners found no difference in sound when activating the tube stage. Anyone here disagree?

Checking the used audio sites I came across a few of interesting prospects. One was the Rogue 99 Super Magnum and the other was Red Wine Audio Isabella Renaissance. Add to the list several VTL models.

Open to any and all suggestions and recommendations
  Well that would make sense wouldn't it.
Never heard one myself but from what I've read, Quciksiler line stages  come off as being competent. Nothing special.
The internet. Where else?
And the internet doesnt lie.

Seriously, you have one?

This looks like a good unit in your range from the listings.

No affiliation with the seller Art audio makes good gear and this looks well made. Nice reviews as well. Good luck!
I've owned one years ago. If you need features like mono and balance control you best off with something else. If you want a basic all tube linestage with remote I don't think you would go wrong with it!