Subwoofer for Ayre AX-7e?

Am I wrong or are AX-7e owners required to have subs with speaker-level inputs? I was keen on SVS and discovered that several of their models only offer line-level inputs other than their base SB1000. Looking for sealed cabinet in the $750-1000 neighborhood and feeling a bit thwarted ... suggestions?

Ayre Ax-7e
Epos M5s
Rega RP8
Lehmann Decade
Schitt Yggdrasil
Cambridge CXC

Room: 10w x 10L x 8H

@audioconnection wrote:
The reason I disagree a single sub by the time he hears the bass for what op has paid for can easily overload that room spoiling or confusing what he already has right in the midrange balance, to begin with, it's still a can of worms. 
2 properly adjusted small subs work better than one but forward firing drivers tend to draw more attention away chuffing and mooing with artifacts. 

Hi Johnny - definitely a potential issue, but I have not had any of these problems at all with the REL in a few different setups. They do work better with a speaker that has reasonable extension (say, -6dB @ 60Hz) and a smooth rolloff, so you can keep the crossover point low. I am not sure if the OP's Epos fits the bill. Also remember that REL does not have any sort of high-pass for the mains, so they are expected to run full range. It is truly "bass augmentation" only.
as an Ayre VX-R, then Twenty owner for many years..i always found the factory very responsive both via email and phone....i would touch base with them....

as one who has been acused of being a Vandersteen fan boy.. ( I own just 3 pair ), the model one transmission line will shock you with how low it goes and the definition is excellent 

my buck fifty

@tomic601 transmission lines are the bomb. I haven't heard the Vandersteen but have heard a couple of Bud Fried's old designs, as well as the Role Audio models. They have a tuneful bass quality that's unique to the alignment.

Agree it's always a good call to contact the manufacturer. Fairly certain the answer will be the same as what has been discussed here though. I scoured the internet and experimented a ton looking for alternative solutions, only to find Charlie Hansen in another forum outlining basically what I said above. Not much you can do to get around the circuit topology. *shrug*

ya man, for sure...for a brief period a store i worked at in late 70’s carried Frieds right..they were good....we had them, Thiel and Shahinian....

well the circuit topology is a big part of the Ayre magic, along with lack of feedback...Charloe was not shy on posting, so my guess is you got tge approach right...RIP Mr. Hansen

good luck on your quest
Cool, I’ll look into the 1Ci ... price is right for what it purports.

@taww: Thinking about your remarks re: limitations of the Ayre single-ended. I’ve wondered what I’m losing running my RP8-->Lehmann Decade single-ended-->Ayre. My Schiit DAC running balanced into the Ayre brings me to tears. But I feel like I’m never really going to hear vinyl totally right unless I figure out a balanced path. So, what, I save next for the P-5xe, too? Grr.