Thiel CS3.6 and PrimaLuna

I have a pair of Thiel CS3.6 speakers and a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP Amplifier going thru a Mytek Brooklyn DAC/Pre.  The sound is really good, but I know the Thiel's can do much better.  I'm curious to see if folks would recommend going to a different amp (high current SS) or moving to a different set of speakers.  Either option is viable, just curious to see what folks think.

I see now you sold the Thiels and kept the PL amp, this amp has a peaking high frequency that starts at 10k, only a 2ohm load flattens it out (green trace) a speaker that seems subdued in this area or one that has a 2ohm load in this area will be a good match to look for.

Maybe look at Martin Logans ESL’s that have active (200w) bass like the Montis, because ML’s do have a 2ohm load in the HF this will nullify the PL’s peak and the ML having an active bass means the PL won’t have to do it which will be it’s weak area. The more I think of it, this could be a match made in heaven, but not for party levels as you have limited wattage from the PL.

Cheers George

A pair of Vandersteen 1's and 2wq subs would be my choice for replacing the Theil's.
The subs should be coming down in price soon due to the introduction of the new Sub 3.
jafant8,056 posts04-03-2018 10:13pmI would have sold the PL.
 Same, and kept the Thiels and got the right amp for them, as they can sound very good.

Cheers George