Oppo Gone - Now What?

Blue Ray players may be "a dime a dozen"...but not so with high quality music players.  Assuming that all of the Oppo 205 inventory is gone in the next 3-4 weeks, what would you buy for under $2000 to play those music discs that you still own?
I think I think I’m going to be looking for a 205 now to replace my 95, anyone knows where a good deal either used or new? Thanks!
The $200 Sony X800 has impressive heft (8.5 lbs) and build quality (rigid steel shielded sub chassis) with 4K video and audio quality on par with the 203 according to reviews. Plays SACD and DVD-Audio. No analog outputs though, so SACD/DVD Audio/Bluray Audio output is only via HDMI. Also has coax S/PDIF out for Redbook to an external DAC. Great performing, relatively inexpensive alternative to Oppo for use with HT processors.

My my Mcintosh, Opera Turandot and my NAIM. Yur righ, Blue Ray players are a dime a dozen!!! I have a used Samsung for my HT rig. Peace✌🏻️


Any thoughts on why it may make sense to pick one up?

It depends solely on your setup....I picked up 205 for 4K UHD / SACD playback and to use its internal DAC with my SONOS Connect. 

I have a fairly large library of blu rays and 4K upscaler in 203 and 205 is simply outstanding compare to any other player.  

I don’t think there is another player that can do it all, and do it exceedingly well at $1299 price point.