Oppo to cease production -- Announced yesterday...

Sad day for those of us who loved Oppo for their high quality products that supported SACD, DVD-Audio, as well as Blu-ray and UHD Blu-ray formats.  Oppo has also been loved for its industry leading level of customer support.  Oh, well, at least my DV-980H, BDP-83, and UDP-203 are all still going strong!

I get the feeling Oppo isn't quitting because it's unprofitable, they just want to focus on other areas. Kyocera did this in the 90's. As far as the high-end's future, I think it's secure. I've been active in audio since the late eighties. Been reading the magazines religiously and have never seen so many new equipment providers I've never heard of. As long as there's a buck to be made, companies will spring up to make it. Yes, equipment costs used to seem more reasonable. A Bryston 4B used to sell for $1000 in the beginning. Now they're in the $6000 range. That $1000 adjusted for inflation is now $4500 (roughly). A 4B still costs a bit more but it's a much better amp.
What's puzzling is why Oppo didn't sell the business to someone else (unless they're planning to after everyone scrambles to buy current inventory which will boost sales figures). We'll see... 

Hi Astewart8944

On the TuneLand forum we welcome the comments from those who have explored this for themselves. I think maybe one person who experimented with the system I mentioned on the forum went back to their old system. The rest have moved on from their high mass over priced system or are in the process. I don’t want my comment to take this thread off topic. My point is, many companies are closing the doors on this chapter of the audiophile movement as they find systems that are a fraction of the cost out performing High End Audio’s recommended components. Keep in mind this is nothing new. High End Audio started it’s decline in the mid 90’s and has been decreasing ever since.

another example

We went to a local used shop here in Las Vegas last year and did a real time comparison with many expensive amps (mainly) vs a couple of low mass low priced amplifiers. Every person in the space chose the $200.00 amplifier over the others. The comparison wasn’t even close. I took this a step further and brought the good sounding lower priced amp home with me and allowed listeners to bring their amps to compare, the most expensive being $35,000.00 mono blocks. The listening I opened up to the public for an entire year using 6 of my listening rooms, including one of my Tunable Reference Rooms. One of the listeners that was converted, then placed his amp here on Audiogon for a very low price. A day or two later the amp company itself bought the amp back so they wouldn’t get questioned on their sound. These amplifiers got beat up by several companies’ entry level products. I try not to name names as to not hurt peoples businesses or reputations, but I haven’t been shy about naming the products who cleaned house in these demos. As I said their listed on the TuneLand forum.

Money moves around the world .The fact that US $ has declined 25% against the Euro in past year has a bearing on prices of  many  things .
Outside the EU as well as in it .

I was privy to a conversation in German at Berlin Audio show .
Several big-wigs in Audio referred to USA  as the  sucker(Saugorgan)
market .
@Schubert Why do you think they said this? Because we pay to much? I've always thought products are more expensive in the EU due to VAT taxes and such.