First time tube integrated buy

OK, after years of messing around on the fringes of the tube world, I have decided I want to buy a tube integrated and see what I am/might be missing. Will be in a bedroom system mated to either Spendor S3/5 or Kef R300. Listen to lots of acoustic jazz, jazz vocals, acoustic and electric guitar, Gypsy jazz, singer songwriters. Torn between getting a vintage unit like a HH Scott 299 and having it refurbished and a more modern unit. $1500-2000 seems doable. Preowned is fine as long as its dependable. There is only one tech out here and he is getting old and talking retirement. I am kind of scared of lots of the Chinese stuff mabye w exception of Jolida, Primaluna. Not looking at low power least 20-25 watts seems appropriate. Thoughts? All appreciated. BTW, going on trip soon to FL, TN so its a chance to see what I might get on the road.
If the efficiency of your speakers is at least 90 dB I would suggest a look at the Coincident Technology Dynamo SE MKII.Very accomplished Integrated.Many favorable professional and consumer reviews.
I think a Jolida would suit you very well, at less money than you allocated. Good build quality, simple design, nice sound. Outside of a transformer issue, you won’t find yourself stuck over the long term.

If you do want to move up to $2000 or so, a Jadis Orchestra / Orchestra Reference takes you up a few significant steps, sonically. The bias procedure can prove difficult for someone not willing to get inside the amplifier. It’s actually a stupid design decision by the company.

Rogue should also make your list, though closer to the Jolida than the Jadis. Cary integrateds offer a different, though not quite as good presentation than the Jadis. But you might give it a listen if available to you. The problem is the selling prices usually come in higher than you budgeted.

I mostly like the sonics and build of Cayin and PrimaLuna. But I would avoid them, myself. Something seems a bit iffy to me with the Cayin, and without Steve Leung representing the brand these days, I would feel uncomfortable. The added complexity of the PrimaLuna’s autobias topology makes it a potential issue in the long term, where a simpler tube amplifier will last a lifetime
Agree with cayin tube integrated or line magnetic if you can find one for under 2k. 

Good luck and have fun. 
I agree with respect to the Jolida in terms of value for your money.
PrimaLuna and Quick Silver should also be on your short list.

If you can get your hands on a Mystere pa21.  It's an awesome amp and you can run it with a variety of tubes: