First time tube integrated buy

OK, after years of messing around on the fringes of the tube world, I have decided I want to buy a tube integrated and see what I am/might be missing. Will be in a bedroom system mated to either Spendor S3/5 or Kef R300. Listen to lots of acoustic jazz, jazz vocals, acoustic and electric guitar, Gypsy jazz, singer songwriters. Torn between getting a vintage unit like a HH Scott 299 and having it refurbished and a more modern unit. $1500-2000 seems doable. Preowned is fine as long as its dependable. There is only one tech out here and he is getting old and talking retirement. I am kind of scared of lots of the Chinese stuff mabye w exception of Jolida, Primaluna. Not looking at low power least 20-25 watts seems appropriate. Thoughts? All appreciated. BTW, going on trip soon to FL, TN so its a chance to see what I might get on the road.
I agree with respect to the Jolida in terms of value for your money.
PrimaLuna and Quick Silver should also be on your short list.

If you can get your hands on a Mystere pa21.  It's an awesome amp and you can run it with a variety of tubes: 


I have had excellent luck with Both Cayin and Jolida products including a ( now discontinued) Cayin MT12a amp that’s powered my bedroom system for over 10years. As to Jolida , as long as big volume is not the object ( and I wouldn’t think it would in a bedroom) the 1102 integrated has an excellent sound and I have used it’s predessor ( the 102B) to good effect with Spendor S3/5’s in the past.

VAS still lists some Cayin Models on their Web catalog page. What makes you say Steve Leung is no longer supporting the brand in the USA?

It’s a hybrid ss amp tube preamp. It should sound fantastic with splendor speakers. You could probably get it for around 3000. Mac will hold its value over Chinese products. Already own your speakers?  Harbeth speakers also do well with Mac. 
Yet another recommendation to look at JoLida. Owned a 502B for 10 years. Never a lick of trouble. That was my intro to tubes. Be sure you are dealing with Michael Allen’s JoLida in Maryland. This is not to say there aren’t some other fine candidates being mentioned (e.g., Quicksilver & Prima Luna).  Given your budget, I do think you will end up buying used.  You could send a JoLida to the factory in MD and get it checked out and upgraded.  The factory upgrade was very reasonable and made a nice difference.  Good luck in your hunt.