Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
Lmk when you are ready to sell the Classico CL-3’s. I am wanting a pair to replace my cl 2’s

I've had the Job for a couple weeks now and put a nice power cord on it. I am loving this thing. It's perfect for me and drives the CL3's with ease. Now I'm thinking about a speaker upgrade. What are you guys using with the Job? Looking for a close to full range floorstander, up to about 5k max new or used.
Best kept secret...I have the Job 225 and the Pre2 after searching high and low for an amp that suit my criteria. 
I've been off Audiogon for so many years that I had to create a new account (DIY burnout).
I did so today almost entirely just to express my total satisfaction with the JOB INTegrated in this simple and "relatively" affordable setup.

JOB INTegrated (mfg. 2017) w/sweetcord
older IPAD w/Tidal app using digital out
JBL Studio 580s (every once in a while they show up 1/2 off from JBL)
DH Labs Silver Sonic (bi-wired) (ebay)
Audio Technica AT-LP5 with AT7v cartridge

I was turned on to better audio back in the early 90's when I heard a massive Goldmund  system I could never afford, spent years trading out tube and solid state gear, field coil speakers, multi-way horns etc. trying to replicate my memory of that first experience.

It's saying a lot to say that I am totally satisfied now with this simple setup.