A passing of a valued Audiogon member ID "Ferrari"

We would to inform the Audiogon site that "Ferrari" Ned Abbott had passed away from Cancer.

He had written many outstanding reviews related to Threshold, Forte, Alon ect..

His knowledge was unrivaled in certain respects and he ran a pretty nice record store here and sold some very high end pieces since 1999.

He will be missed.

There is a cancer fund for his family in excess of 80K.

My ID is proaudiow and if you would like to talk about his life and experiences.

Please contact.

I was one of his closest friends in Stuart FL. 

Thank you.


See link below there is picture of Ned there.

Very sorry to hear this news.  I bought a few LPs from Ned over the years, and he was always a great guy to deal with.
A true loss to our community. He was a gentleman, and I always enjoyed his reviews and comments. He had a way of finding the good in components and minimizing the negatives. He appeared in his writings to be a positive and gentle man. I will miss him.
Some of deepest bonds are Audiophile friends.  Some travel together looking for pieces. Then the victory dinners eating out over the special item you found is typical of all of us to do.

Times one can share are unrivaled experiences.  Ned was such a person. He dedicated his life to the saving & rescue and even abuse of Australian sheperds till the day he passed.

Ned was the proud owner of a early 60's, 250 Ferrari coupe at one point in his life. Drove it every day. He lived for the now only.

His favorite brand of car was Volvo though and would accept nothing less for him and his family for safety.

He wanted a P-1800 but not had the chance.  He was a lover of cars and looked all the time for used Volvo's to buy,  He was a quiet person otherwise and, you had better know your audiophile facts and classic car history should you cross brains with him.

He was born in Amarillo Texas and truly hated the cold weather.

He loved BBQ. Being from Texas.

His favorite type of music was Dave Brubeck or that type of jazz.

Dire Straits for rock.

Has a son named Erik and wife Betty who are now in SC.

His choice of places to be was South FL.

Though he did live in Amarillo, Salt Lake City for time, Denver another.

He could not wait to leave the cold there.

Never to return I might add.

He knew Nelson Pass and a few other big names in Audio.

He was the best friend in my lifetime by far.

Never to be forgotten.

Probably the most impressive thing he did was write these superb reviews. 

That really showed how smart he was and just how he could write to.

Said he was in the Army 4 years.

But displayed tremendous literary skills others simply could not.

