LS-50 Speakers (Passive)

No matter where I and a friend reads, most people are raving about the Kef LS-50’s (passive version).   However, sadly, neither one of us have heard them with no local dealer.  The best would be to evaluate them in our respective rooms as the room accounts for about 1/3 of the sound.

Moreover, I recently heard that the new LS-50’s ((passive) are not the same as the originals as Kef tried to save some money.  Is there any truth to this rumor?  I certainly hope not so I thought I throw it out there and see the response I get.

Thanks for your input....
I just don’t get why anyone would buy a speaker with a 6.5” woofer in a <1 cu.ft. box and expect it to move the earth. Nor do I understand why you would then try to marry it to one or more subwoofers and expect no ill effects on the sound quality. If you’re after full range sound, buy a full range speaker with a big woofer in a big box. There’s a reason that there were very few subwoofers before the advent of “home theater”. That’s where they belong.
@helomech: thanks for the advices. Actually I am keeping them closer to wall with exactly the effect that you describe. But anyway, wherever I tried in my irregularly shaped medim soze room, I still develop some string modes. This is not exclusive to LS50, I tryed other seakers.

@ripkeith: two reasons. The first is price and the second is the fact that I’m living in an appartment with weak acoustic isolation. My idea was to use the speakers w/o the sub in the quiet hours and with the subs in more noise tolerant hours. Let alone space requirements of larger floorstanders.

btw, I don’t really listen to music that requires earth trembling bass. I use my sub very subtly to just add some foundation to the mains when there is such content in the music I listen.
Just put away the Totems this morning in order to listen to the Elac ub5, and wow am I impressed. Bass output is top notch, imaging and soundstaging are setting a really HIGH bar, not that much less than the LS50s.
Some have mentioned that the LS50s do show what they really are capable of with top notch amplification - no doubt. But that should go for the UB5s as well. The UB5s are a 3-way speaker. For the money, I repeat, the UB5s kill the LS50s in the bass/mid-bass department... and the rest of the frequency range is not too far off.
Obviously, the finish and front baffle of the LS50s outclass the cheap ELAC. But on sonics alone, not really.
I am saving money for the Adante AS-61.  Can't wait.
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Chris r your comment about the Quads are way off.

The S series and Z series have been quietly getting rave reviews all over the English press.

The S1 the smaller of the two bookshelves got a Hifi Choice 5 star review

The Z3 a $4,200 floor stander got the Editors Choice award 2016
in Hifi Choice

Quad Z 4 Editors Choice award Hifi News 2016

Quad Z1 Monitor Again Editors Choice

Stereopiile rave review of the Quad S2

We would say the biggest issue with the Quad speakers is that they are new to the US at this point.

The last distributor wasn’t very good, and other than the Electrostatic speakers which everyone knows about nobody even knew that Quad just came up with a fantastic line of dynamic loudspeakers.

Mofi distribution is now working with Quad to setup dealers and do shows to get this outstanding new line of speakers out there.

We have been working in high end audio for over 30 years, and I can count on one hand how many new and affordable loudspeakers really knocked our socks off, the Quads are really impressive and their clarity and soundstaging are just off the charts.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ