Corelli - really????

I read the 6 moons review on this but I still have a hard time believing this can improve a system.  Anyone have any experience with these?
Great series of posts! Really terrific getting direct and personal feedback from all of you on the Akiko Corelli. Thank you.
Im using 2 Audience 6tssdox units one for amp one for preamp,cd,turntable.Where to i put Corelli can i use 1 unit do i keep Audience units as well??
@ebm   Do your Audience units condition the power?

Maybe @worldwidewholesales  can also respond?
Audience is a passive unit it is top rated by Absolute Sound and several high end magazines and it sounds wonderful i have tried going into the wall with my amp and it sounds best going through the Audience 6tssdox.Thanks!!
If it is passive (and is not a conditioner), you should benefit from using the Akiko Corelli. As with most stuff audio, let your system and ears lead you.

I'm guessing the importer will be able to shed much more light and detail as to how you should approach adding a Corelli and what the benefits might be.

All the best.