Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III

I'd like to get input on a comparison of both of these speakers. I have not heard them. No dealers in my area. I realize it may be an apples to oranges match up to many but want to hear the pros and cons of both. Haters welcome!!  I'll be driving them with a Mac 6200 integrated. 75w into 8 ohms and 100w into 4 ohms. Room is 27x18x10h. I listen to all music. Some vinyl. Appreciate moderate base, clarity in vocals, imaging, and like the speakers to "disappear".  Thoughts?
Most of the speakers I have owned, disappeared, but most, never sounded like live music, nor, made my toes tap. I think the higher efficiency of the speaker has something to do with the dynamics one hears. Many are talking about the Tekton DI series, giving you this " slam ", feel it in your chest thing, and they are not horn loaded. @heardthat, you might want to consider a pair of DIs ( free in home trial, just pay for shipping back in need to return ). Many listeners I respect here like them ( actually love them ). Just read the threads. Enjoy MrD.
Not to get tooooo far off topic but the physics of a large baffle vs minimal baffle are pretty well understood and IF you can’t hear it try this simple experiment with a 1’ x 1’ price of cardboard, cut mouth hole and have someone speak thru hole .....
roll into a cone and you get focused energy....
then compare those to speaking in free space...
Great analogy, Jim.  Back in the early 70's we used a similar comparison of the "not so accurate" speakers of the time.
@tomic601 , I obviously hit a sore spot for you. You can question my hearing all you want. Dynamic compression in a speaker is not something I can live with. I meant no offense.  Enjoy your system. I sure enjoy mine. MrD.