Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III

I'd like to get input on a comparison of both of these speakers. I have not heard them. No dealers in my area. I realize it may be an apples to oranges match up to many but want to hear the pros and cons of both. Haters welcome!!  I'll be driving them with a Mac 6200 integrated. 75w into 8 ohms and 100w into 4 ohms. Room is 27x18x10h. I listen to all music. Some vinyl. Appreciate moderate base, clarity in vocals, imaging, and like the speakers to "disappear".  Thoughts?
@tomic601 , I obviously hit a sore spot for you. You can question my hearing all you want. Dynamic compression in a speaker is not something I can live with. I meant no offense.  Enjoy your system. I sure enjoy mine. MrD.
actually no you hit no sore spot
and yes I do enjoy my systems, plural which include horns, large baffles ( the Cornwall are both , planar ribbons ( Apogee) and yes minimum baffle designs.... I have 7 or 8 pair of speakers....
not attacking your hearing just grounding some of the discussion in physics
On the subject of modern grill cloth and treatments
two issues

diffraction at the edges and absorption

competent ( well IMO ) engineers design a frame that is acoustically integrated with the baffle - optimizing for flat response or other variables, as stated some may voice or engineer for grille on or off. 

Cloth is not a uniform absorber period

for the record, run the brother in laws loaner L-100 with the ancient grills off....

@tomic601 ...It’s all good. I want to get along with everyone. I am not surprised you do not use the JBL grills. Have the grills disintegrated, like mine have ? 
Tomic601, it's all helpful !!
MrD, this is unreal. You mention the Tekton DI's as a possibility for me. I had never heard of them until I happened upon a thread yesterday after my last post. Now I am really intrigued by them. They sound like a "too good to be true" kinda thing. But a 1000 flys can't be wrong !!  Price, sound, technology, looks(I like the looks), and return policy. I didn't want to post my discovery for fear of sounding flaky by doing a 180 on the Vandy's and Klipsch. I'm planning on calling Tekton and hopefully speaking to Eric and asking him some questions. What a leap of faith though; mail order $3000 speakers. Although I read some dealers are being set up. For $300 (return shipping if necessary) a 60 day audition may be worth it.