Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III

I'd like to get input on a comparison of both of these speakers. I have not heard them. No dealers in my area. I realize it may be an apples to oranges match up to many but want to hear the pros and cons of both. Haters welcome!!  I'll be driving them with a Mac 6200 integrated. 75w into 8 ohms and 100w into 4 ohms. Room is 27x18x10h. I listen to all music. Some vinyl. Appreciate moderate base, clarity in vocals, imaging, and like the speakers to "disappear".  Thoughts?
Tomic, right on !! I thought your man Bruce at S Unlimited didn't have Klipsch. Great u auditioned them. Appreciate your taking your homework seriously. I'm just not ready to pull the trigger on them for a $300 audition based on my reading from folks like yourself. Came upon some Vandy Treo CT's for sale and by the time I did my homework they were gone. Snooze u lose if the price is right. Reading about Tekton DI and Spatial Triode M3. Trying to figure if they're flavor of the month or real deal. Vandy 3A Sigs appear to be real deal. 
Wow - this is a difficult comparison!

I just purchased a pair of Vandie 3A Sigs from a fellow member here a couple of weeks ago.  While I have not heard the Cornwalls nor any other Klipsch model in quite some time, I have to assume that their design philosophy and engineering have not gone into any sort of radical departure since I owned a pair of Epic CF-3’s and a pair of KG4’s.  Highly efficient, horn loaded compression tweeters...

The Cornwalls have an efficiency rating of 102db, the Vandies are 87db.  The Vandies go down to 26hz, the Klipsch 34hz. You could pretty much drive the Cornwalls with a table radio, the Vandies...need a little more power on tap. Your amp @100 watts per channel is sufficient for either methinks, but will probably be less stressed with the Cornwalls if you listen at high levels.  I don’t.  While my choice of amps has usually been around 150 watts for the past few years, that’s more because I found them affordable at a particular moment in time as opposed to me needing more power to drive a particular pair of speakers. 


It’s an educated guess on my part that the Cornwalls will definitely sound “brighter” than the Vandies simply due to the tweeters. Methinks they will also be “punchier” throughout. Having moved through Thiel and Magnepan models over the last few years - both reputed by many to be “bright” speakers - I can offer that the Vandies definitely are more reserved in the highs.  

The Vandies do require bi-wiring and have smaller than the current standard size spade connects on the rear. I use anti-cables for them, which has an option spade to fit the 3A Sigs perfectly.  They’re not too expensive, either. There’s also a dial attenuator on the rear to tweak the treble response up or down if you find the flat setting too little or too much.  Also they come with very substantial, HEAVY metal stands. You can adjust their tilt ever so slightly as well once they’re attached. The stands are spiked so be careful of your flooring - assembled these puppies weigh about 90 pounds apiece. 

Pricewise, unless the inter-web is misleading me, has the Cornwall III’s around $2200 apiece new. The averaged price for the 3A Sigs, used, is around that for a pair according to the A’gon Bluebook. I picked my pair up for appreciably less than that somewhat locally, requiring an enjoyable four hour round trip to get ‘em. They’re no longer manufactured but can still be serviced by Vandersteen should the need arise.  I’m replacing the socks on mine which cost about $150.  The folks at Vandersteen replied to my inquiry about doing so quickly and eagerly, even thanking me for purchasing them used. Imagine that. 

I continue to think that Klipsch makes excellent speakers.  My reason for moving away was what I perceived to be the harsh treble response. Very recently I was thinking about returning to a lower power amp along with more efficient loudspeakers. I researched the Epic CF-3’s that I had around 22 years ago and found a pair advertised for $800 - the same price that I wound up selling them for around 15 years ago. 

Klipsch, Thiel, and Maggie fans are a rather unique collection of people accustomed to hearing widely varying opinions on everything about them.  I’m digging the Vandies because I found my Maggie 1.7i’s to prove bothersome simply due to their physicality. I had to rearrange too much to get them comfortable in my living room.  Love ‘em, BUT...


ya I was suprised also but brick & mortar continues to consolidate here in San Diego as elsewhere in the country. Stereo Design a venerable dealer went out with owners retirement and Bruce picked up Magneplaner, Mcintosh and I believe Klipsch as they exited...
have to say you should visit...almost dizzying array of loudspeakers : Klipsch, Vandersteen, Magneplaner, PSB, Goldenear, Dynaudio, Totem, Sonus Faber, .....stuff I don’t recognize in corners, etc...

i should add the Forte III driven by KT-120 quite listenable.....

i love visiting even if I dented the wallet with $250 worth of Vinyl.....ha
Im going to ripped for this but I've owned many speakers that on paper were "reference", hell some even wore the " Reference" moniker but I was looking for a change and listened to some Heresys, Fortes, Cornwalls......  they were the first speakers I've auditioned that all had one thing in common.... they sounded like live music.   Perhaps owning polite , laid back , "accurate" speakers was growing old, or maybe im getting old...  I don't know but I really love the Heritage lines'  ability to rock and be dynamic and bold.   Forget what you hear from people referencing older Klipsch or people that have never even heard Heritage series, they are not one bit harsh with quality electronics.   I listened to a bunch of other speakers that day but they all sounded small and lifeless compared to the Heresy III That I brought home.   I would have purchased the Forte but they need to be a few feet away from the wall which was a deal breaker for me, and honestly the Heresy were the right choice for me as they are the perfect size for my room.

Good luck 
Oblgny, congrats on the Vandy 3A's. Were they on your radar for a while? And had you auditioned before you bought?  I have to go back to their website cause I thought 3a Sigs were still being made. Saw a pair for $2600+300 shipping so it seems high?  I like the concept of bi-wiring, which they have. Not an option on Tekton DI or spatials I don't think.  All your comments are relevant for me about Klipsch. "Bright" is a recurring theme. But....those Forte III's, like Tomic said, sounded good. 
Oddiofyl, went for a more up front sound with the Heresy III ? Tired of laid back sound?  I get that as your tastes can change. Mine can change day to day, like I said, based on mood. There is no "perfect" speaker, is there?  Tekton is sending all other speakers into obsolescence (humor intended 😂).  
Another complete system would be ideal to satisfy moods. $$$$
I do have a room issue in that I can't, er., not allowed to, be further out from back wall by more than 12". Rear passives and rear ported and Spatials all want to be out around 2-3 ft or more. 
Oblgny, how far out are your 3a's?  I cant imagine that depth in soundstage can be appreciated unless speakers are 2,3, or more ft out.  True?