subwoofers and panels don't mix

i have yet to experience a subwoofer that mated well with a panel speaker--ribbon, stat and planar magnetic.

each time i have heard a combination of a cone driver with a panel it sounds like two speakers. the blend is not seamless.

can anything be done to make the transition from cone to panel sound like a one speaker system, rather than reveal 2 different driver types ?
I find it very hard to belive the DD series did not work well. They also have very good tech support.

I think that most people buy subwoofers largely by the numbers, and the numbers aren't kind to transient response optimizing designs.

Consider two subwoofers, identical in size and price. The first one is -3 dB anechoic at 40 Hz, and second one is -3 dB anechoic at 20 Hz. Which one do you think most people are going to buy?

What the numbers don't tell you is that the 40 Hz subwoofer has much better transient response than the 20 Hz one. Good transient response is expensive in terms of box size and bass extension.

I'm involved in the development of a subwoofer designed specifically to work well with Maggies, and if the project is a success it will probably be marketed through Audiogon. The design will be optimized for transient response, rather than for loudest deepest possible bass in smallest possible box.

I do not think that the surround itself is a dominant factor in the sound of a subwoofer. Rather, those subwoofers you see with the donut-like surrounds are typically optimized for loudest deepest possible bass in smallest possible box, and transient response is the casualty. The prosound 15" woofer mentioned by Jtgofish has parameters more conducive to good transient response, assuming adequate box size.

Good to hear about your plans.You are right about the surrounds too.I have always preferred cloth surrounds to rubber.
I understand that many of the RCF woofers are now back in production.
I have mounted the L15/554k in a coffee table style box[firing down].This seems to sound best in the middle of the room.The gap at the bottom is about 100mm[4 inches].
This sounds superb with ER Audio stats as well as full range point source type speakers like Lowthers etc.
Many people swear by a high pass filter on the main speakers but I have found this is not really necessary unless they go below about 50hz-which most panels struggle to do.
Good luck.There is a real need out there for this type of low bass speakers that mainstream subs fail to address.

"crossed over at 35Hz" !!

IMHO, a subwoofer that can't go higher than that, unloading the main speakers, is just as bad as one that can't go lower than 35 Hz. Sometimes audiophiles seem to get into a contest as to whose SW is crossed over lower. It reminds me of a Hoot Owl that lived at the nearby Audibon park. It would hoot back at you IF you hooted at a lower pitch. The hoot would go back and forth until the bird was as low as it could go.
I have Ribbons/Hybrid the Superslim 1800se speakers from and the Castle Classic Active Subwoofer, it required patience and time to get them perfectly well-integrated, seamless spectrum. I think ribbons and dynamic Sub Woofers can match perfectly well, it is a matter of adjusting and regulating. Best, Antonio Machado.