Cryongenically treated in-wall AC power wire

I have a high end sound system and am building a new house.  I would like to have a dedicated electrical line installed for my system, to run from the electrical outlets in my music room to the breaker box.  The builder asked me how long I wanted the wire to be, which runs from the outlets to the breaker box.  I have no idea.  I could place it as close as several feet or much longer.  The wire is $20/foot.  So, here are my questions:

1.  If you want to install a dedicated electrical line for your sound system how close should the electrical outlets be to the breaker box, or does it make a difference?  In other words, is there a minimum length of cryogenically treated wire that I will want in the wall stretching from the outlets to the fuse box?

2.  I assume that using cryogenically treated wire and electrical outlets will reduce noise.  Does anyone have any experience with cryogenically treated wire?

Ag insider logo xs@2xgapperis123
Draw out your new room and equipment locations precisely to scale. Consider all equipment you may want. It’s an important project. By all means have a normal compliment of wiring regardless of your hi fi demands! Seriously consider wiring through metal tubing suitable for underground use. This will also facilitate install and allow future upgrade. 
Pete,  do you have an opinion whether cryo'ing the AC wire is a good thing to do?  Glenn
I suggest asking the specific wire manufacturer. I am conservative minded and have experience with highly critical processes and equipment  I feel caution and expertise are appropriate. For example, Calmont Wire and Cable has supplied critical wire for NASA among other hi techs. . They have a toll free direct to engineering. I’m interested in what you discover.