Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

@david_ten My apologies for the delay in reply in regard to your inquiry as to how my DI SE's are settling in...you very well that is rhetorical. They have completely broken now and they sound incredible! The fine detail, the deep, punchy bass, the imaging...it is everything I had hoped for when upgrading from the DI's! 

Mac-if you think you like the sound of your new  Duelund caps now, wait until they break in, which takes a good 400-500 hours, you will see why they are 3-4x the cost of their competitive peer!  Aric's Motherlode preamp is in full bloom, and I cannot think of any piece of gear that would better it's performance at any price! At any price that I would consider paying, anyway.

And once again, I have to give thanks and shout out to Bill(grannyring) for opening my eyes and ears to what is possible in sonic improvements from a DIY perspective! A month or so back I was reading on this thread about the NOS Western Electric cable that some people were using with great results in their DIY projects. Of course Bill was one of the voices on this and other forum threads that  I ran across as well in researching further. I reached out to Bill to see if he would build me a USB cable using the WE wire and he said yes, but that he would use the new(er) Duelund tinned copper wire, as the results were even better. Suffice it to say that it blew away the rather pedestrian Audioquest USB cable that I was using at the time. 

This got me thinking that now with all new gear that I have in my system over the past year or so(Tekton, Aric Audio and Pass Labs), all of my cables are most likely a weak link. Bill said he will build me speaker and interconnects using the Duelund wire, but I wanted to try my own hand at DIY. Bill was gracious enough to suggest where to source, what to purchase and how to construct each type of cable. My first project was a pair of speaker cables, as they seemed to be the easiest to build. I was  floored with the result! The Audioquest Comet cables sounded like I was using lamp cord in comparison. I am now in the process of building a shielded phono cable as well as two sets of IC's using the Duelund 20g and 16g respectively.

So what is the moral of the story, said for the fact that Bill kicks ass?!?! For the last 25 years I have been, "chasing the audio dragon", as I like to refer to it as(it is in fact addicting, as you know), and thankfully, my system has never sounded better. And I did it by liquidating all of my expensive, over marketed, heavily reviewed gear in favor of craftsman who are as equally passionate about music and sound as I have become. Not parties who appear(to me anyway now that I have had the opportunity to become involved in the build) to be over engineering the process with low(er) end parts. Just saying...

Cheers and happy listening!

@laaudionut Wonderful to hear how happy you are with the SEs!!!

Brian, as far as "chasing the audio dragon" .... it's far easier to chase (in my opinion).....however, seeing that you have caught up to your dragon, be careful NOT to wake it up!!! : )

Once there, the ride gets far trickier.... Unless one is willing to submit and accept. [Something I am learning / struggling with / and trying to understand better]

Glad to hear how pleased you are with your equipment.  I especially enjoy feedback on the DIY aspect of not only of the DI/SE's (which seem to respond very favorably to these efforts) but also your tubed gear.  Bill has been a great resource to us in this regard
I'll echo what Corelli and lancelock said as my room is only about 13.5'x17.5'. The SE's/DI's sound great at low or high volume levels and will work in any sized room they can physically fit into. 

Thanks to you ordering the Motherlode I was inspired to have Aric upgrade the caps on my pre and amp. I haven't done so yet, but will soon and look forward to them breaking in. Thanks for sharing your experiences with the Aric pre,the SE's and everything else. I couldn't agree more with you on the SE's. Lastly, right on regarding having passionate builders/designers creating musical gear that performs well beyond their price tags. 

I too use the Duelund wire for IC's and speaker cable. 16 ga for the IC's and 12 ga for the speaker wire. Thanks to grannyring's and Jeff Days blog for all the info regarding this great sounding wire. It's fun experimenting with the different wire gauges. The thinner the wire tends to add more sparkle to the high end while the thicker wire is a bit warmer. 

Thats a tough pill to swallow......finally being content with ones system and submitting to the musical joy it brings rather than continually chasing that dragons tail. I think I'm there. Well, probably not, but I'm close at least! BTW, I'm enjoying a night of music by Walter Wolfman Washington, Jon Cleary and Water Seed......all New Orleans musicians as I'm sure you know. 
