Koetsu cartridges - what arms work?

Hello. I wonder if there are arms that Koetsu cartridges are particularly synergistic with?

Any insight would certainly be appreciated.

I ran a Blue Lace on a 12" 3DR arm, worked but far from optimal results.  You can purchase a great condition FR-64S for $2500 that works excellent with Koetsu.
I have used a Koetsu as well as my current Kiseki Purple Heart Sapphire in a Well Tempered arm, and although th WT is rather pedestrian compared to some of the heavy iron here, both cartridges have proved to be an excellent match.
The skating force changes the direction using the ViV Rigid Float.

At the "lead-in groove" (the start of an LP) there is a very weak
force to the inside.
Most of the part of an LP there is no noticable force (even with a
flat / non-grooved platter no movement).
At the "lead-out groove" (the end of an LP) there is a very weak
force towards the outside.

In average the skating force is negligible compared to a "normal"
I have heard many fine systems utilizing Koetsu cartridges, but, I cannot say to what extent the particular tonearm contributed to, or detracted from, the sound I heard.  A local dealer that is particularly fond of Koetsu cartridges likes the Ortofon RS-309D tonearm (12" tonearm that can accommodate a SPU-type headshell).   
I have been using a Koetsu black on a Fidelity research FR64 arm and highly delighted for the last 20 years.