Full-Range to Monitors

Has anyone gone from a full-range to a monitor speaker? What motivated you to do so and were you happy with that choice?

I went to Lipinski L707's. Great sound, but I needed 2 subs and I don't like subs. Want big sound you need big speakers and drivers. When I sold them and my subs I used Wilson Witt II's for 3 years, and now run Legacy Whispers. No need for subs ever with either speakers. I do run a small pair of Klipsch sb1 ;s in a second system but only when I don't want to use my tube system.YMMV.
After going back and forth between floorstanders and monitors, I feel that monitors provide a certain level of intimacy that I prefer. It’s like having a beer in your best friend’s cozy family room vs. going to a posh restaurant for dinner. Of course, most of my gear has been mid-fi at best, so maybe things are different at higher price points.
Over the years I have owned many full range and many monitors. I prefer monitors. They just seem to disappear, where floor-standers never did. It also depends on what monitor is being used. I prefer LS3/5A type monitors. Set em and forget em!!
A big advantage with stand mounts is you can take the room out of the equation to a large degree .